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Centimeters to inches conversion:
10-15 cm = 3.9-5.91 in.
15-20cm = 5.9-7.87 in.
20-25cm = 7.87-9.84 in.
25-30cm = 9.84-11.81 in.
30cm or > = 11.81 in.+

We want your business but not at a loss of cost to us. Our Terms and Conditions protect us from any loss due to your mistakes.  If you are uncertain about ANYTHING, email us first before you order!  We do NOT give refunds, accept returns or exchanges and we do not tolerate charge backs.  Our Terms & Conditions policy is very strict.  Pease read our terms and condition before you buy. 

Aquarium Driftwood: Shipping Terms & Conditions

Unlike most on-line companies, our "shopping cart" system automatically calculates the shipping "immediately". There are NO hidden or added-on shipping charges added after your order is shipped. Your credit card is charged (only once) at the time of ordering on encrypted (using a very secure PayPal) server. NOTE: We do NOT have access to you credit card information. We use PayPal as our credit card processor...they are considered to be the BEST and most SECURE system.

With larger (more expensive) orders, we strongly recommend you Email us first.  


We can only ship to the United States.  All imported material such as driftwood to the US requires that it be fumigated by the US Department of Agriculture.  There are many other such requirements in order to get through US Customs and into the country as well as outside any country, therefore, these things prohibit us from re-shipping outside of the US.

Cancellations are not allowed. 
We do NOT give refunds, accept returns or exchanges and we do not tolerate charge backs.

REFUSED SHIPMENT POLICY: Any order refused at the time of delivery with out the permission of doing so, will result in NO refunds or credits.

We offer our driftwood and merchandise to both retail customers and wholesalers like pet shops.

Shipping is done on different days of the week depending on when you place your order.  We can provide tracking numbers for you to track your order online at www.usps.com as we use Priority Mail and they issue tracking numbers on all items shipped.

We will try to accommodate all special shipping instructions and requests from the customer.

We use PayPal, which means that you can order products without a credit card, however it will take additional time for your funds to transfer before we can ship your items.  We offer flat rate shipping.  In order to get flat rate shipping you MUST contact us first.  Flat rate shipping applies to bulk orders ONLY.  If you pay by check via PayPal, they notify us when your check clears.  We then ship the next business day. 

All pre-sales inquiries should be directed to:



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