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Centimeters to inches conversion:
10-15 cm = 3.9-5.91 in.
15-20cm = 5.9-7.87 in.
20-25cm = 7.87-9.84 in.
25-30cm = 9.84-11.81 in.
30cm or > = 11.81 in.+

We want your business but not at a loss of cost to us. Our Terms and Conditions protect us from any loss due to your mistakes.  If you are uncertain about ANYTHING, email us first before you order!  We do NOT give refunds, accept returns or exchanges and we do not tolerate charge backs.  Our Terms & Conditions policy is very strict.  Pease read our terms and condition before you buy. 

Aquarium Driftwood  Our driftwood is imported from Asia (Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines) from proven world exporters of aquarium driftwood with 36 years of experience.  These species (Diospyros Rhodocalyx, Hopea odorata, Lagerstroemia balacsae), common to the entire Southeast Asian area, are considered by professional aquarists and aquascapers to be the finest types of driftwood in the world for aquarium use.  They are extremely dense and heavy types of woods, ideally suited for aquarium use because they are guaranteed to be self-sinking, will not discolor water, nor will they harm your tank or fish.

We sell it in lengths measured in centimeters because that's the way it is sold to us.  The driftwood we sell may be used for aquariums, terrariums, vivariums, and paludariums (a hybrid aquarium-terrarium).  Because our driftwood is imported, each piece is washed, cleaned, fumigated and has passed USDA inspection.

All pre-sales inquiries should be directed to: 
Driftwood pieces approximately 20cm or larger = 8 inches or greater.  All measurements are made at angles to obtain  the greatest length possible.
Individual pieces start at
$19.99 and up.    
Driftwood Terms and Conditions
Click on pictures to enlarge. Each individual piece is numbered and cataloged.  So what you see, is what you get. All weights & measurements are approximate.

Not all pieces available yet for sale on this page.


Item # D30P-50,
$25.99   Dry weight= 3 lb. 1.2 oz., about 12.5" in length

Item # D30P-51,
$   Dry weight= 1 lb. 15.6 oz., about 12.25" in length
Item # D30P-41,  $24.99,  Dry weight = about 1 lbs. 13 oz., about 13.75" in length
Item # D30P-53,  $,  Dry weight = about 1 lbs. 13 oz., about 13.75" in length

Item # D30P-55,  $,  Dry weight = about 1 lbs. 13 oz., about 13.75" in length
Item # D30P-59,  $,  Dry weight = about 1 lbs. 13 oz., about 11.25" in length
Item # D30P-61,  $,  Dry weight = about 1 lbs. 13 oz., about 13.75" in length
Item # D30P-66,  $,  Dry weight = about 1 lbs. 13 oz., about 13.75" in length

Item # D30P-69, 
$,  Dry weight = about 1 lbs. 13 oz., about 10" in length
Item # D30P-77,  $29.99,  Dry weight = about 1 lbs. 13 oz., about 13.75" in length
Item # D30P-79,  $,  Dry weight = about 1 lbs. 13 oz., about 9.5" in length
Item # D30P-89,  $29.99,  Dry weight = about 1 lbs. 13 oz., about 13.75" in length
Item # D30P-95,  $,  Dry weight = about 1 lbs. 13 oz., about 13.75" in length
Item # D30P-99,  $29.99,  Dry weight = about 1 lbs. 13 oz., about 13.75" in length
Item # D30P-104,  $,  Dry weight = about 1 lbs. 13 oz., about 13.75" in length
Item # D30P-107,  $,  Dry weight = about 1 lbs. 8 oz., about 9.75" in length


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