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Chemicals and Water Parameter Test Kits for your aquarium
It would be nice if all we had to do was fill up a tank with water right from our faucets and then add our fish and be done with it. However, from the beginning and over the course of an aquarium's life, we need chemicals to create conditions for our fish and plants to survive and thrive.  However, we don't believe in selling you something you don't need.  So we selected with care only those chemicals that are necessary. 

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All international & domestic wholesale inquiries, should be directed to:


Start Zyme
A tank maintenance conditioner for older tanks and routine water and filter changes. For Fresh and Saltwater Tanks. Maintains Biological Balance. Offers a generous amount of microorganisms and bacteria strains to establish and maintain a biologically balanced aquarium. Also breaks down harmful organic sludge buildup that can cause ammonia and nitrite poisoning, low oxygen levels, cloudy water and low pH. Use regularly to ensure healthy fish and a clean aquarium. VERY HELPFUL IN PLANTED AQUARIUMS.

only $19.95 each.


Correct pH Tank Buddies
Maintains pH of aquarium water  between 6.8-7.2.  Holds correct pH for several weeks.  Prevents stress on fish from sudden pH changes.
Promotes favorable conditions for tropical fish and live plants.  Helps lower harmful ammonia levels. 
This product is very helpful if you run CO2 systems in your tanks, as CO2 systems reduce pH levels. Plants and fish have different pH safe zones.

only $15.95 each.


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